Manage bank accounts that will be used for mailing cheques.

Bank Account Response

idstringA unique ID prefixed with bank_
objectstringAlways bank_account
livebooleantrue if this is a live mode bank account else false
descriptionstring or nullOptional line describing this bank account
bankNamestringThe name of the bank which provides this account
bankPrimaryLinestring or nullFirst line of the bank's address, e.g. 100 Garden Street
bankSecondaryLinestring or nullSecond line of the bank's address, e.g. Toronto, ON M5V 4G9
bankCountryCodestringEither CA or US
transitNumberstringTransit number for cheques associated with this account (CA only)
routeNumberstringAlso referred to as the Financial Institution Number (CA only)
routingNumberstringThe bank account routing number (US only)
accountNumberstringThe account number, only used when creating the account
accountNumberLast4stringReturned in GET requests in place of accountNumber
accountNumberAndIDSHA256stringA base64-encoded SHA256 hash of accountNumber + bank account ID
signatureImageFile or nullTo be supplied when account is created (instead of signatureText)
signatureTextstring or nullTo be supplied when account is created (instead of signatureImage)
metadataobject or nullSee metadata