Print and Mail FAQ

What are PostGrid’s Print and Mail capabilities?

PostGrid provides a platform for Personalized Direct Mail and Address Validation for various requirements. PostGrid allows companies and businesses to build on top, scale or add to their existing technology and infrastructure to automate print and mail operations in a seamless and efficient way. PostGrid’s API allows you to streamline the very rigid and mundane complexities involved in direct mail and provides access to industry best solution and pricing via fully Robust RESTful API. Detailed API documentation and developer support offered for easy and fast implementation. You can refer to www.postgrid.comfor more information.

Do you support international locations?

Yes, PostGrid supports international locations,and operate in multiple countries, offering local postage rates and partnering with local commercial printers. Contact [email protected] to learn more.

Is there a free trial available when I sign up?

Yes, our Starter Plan allows you to send 500 mailings per month for free. Please note that if you exceed 500, you'll incur an overage fee based on how much you surpass the limit. For more information on this, please reach out to our customer success team at [email protected] .

Is there a minimum monthly requirement to start?

No, there is no minimum requirement to start.

Can I test out the API?

Yes, every user receives two API keys: a test key and a live key. The test key operates in a sandbox, and none of the actions affect your live environment. Once tested, you can switch to the live API key.

How do I regenerate API keys if they get compromised?

To rotate your test or live API key, click the refresh icon in the API key box. Your previous key will remain active for 24 hours before being removed.

How secure and reliable are PostGrid’s solutions?

PostGrid’s Print and Mail solutions internally follow and abide by all data, privacy, and security protocols as per local regulations and requirements. All of PostGrid’s partners are thoroughly screened and onboarded only if they meet our standards.
PostGrid’s print and mail delivery network are SOC-II Type II, HIPAA, PIEDA, and HITRUST compliant. PostGrid’s network is spread across all states and provinces to optimize delivery and SLA standards. PostGrid’s Address Verification solutions are always certified to local postal service providers. AV solutions for the US and Canada are CASS or SERP certified, ensuring higher accuracy. All international address verification solutions are also certified to respective local postal service providers' standards. Free trials are offered for both Print and Mail and Address Verification solutions for setup and quality assurance.

Are you able to serve financial institutions and handle sensitive data?

Yes, PostGrid works with HIPAA/SOC-II Type II vendors. Contact [email protected] for compliance reports.

What security measures are taken for cheques printing and mailing?

All cheques are printed using MICR technology and placed in a #10 double window security envelope. PostGrid only works with HIPAA/SOC-II Type II partners.

Are you HIPAA compliant and able to handle patient record mailings?

Yes, PostGrid is HIPAA compliant and works with HIPAA-compliant partners. We can provide the engagement letter and vendor security documents on request.

Do you sign BAA?

Yes, PostGrid will sign BAA, data privacy, and security paperwork.

Do you provide compliance reports?

Yes, please contact [email protected] for compliance and security reports.

What does PostGrid’s support SLA include?

Response time is during business hours (9am to 6pm EST). Delivery SLA is 2 business days, and Uptime details are available at

How long does PostGrid store my API logs and data?

PostGrid stores order logs indefinitely for regulatory reasons and expunges them upon customer request.

What analytics and insights are provided?

Clear indication of API calls, limit available, and limit used.

Print and Mail: Status of mail sent is tracked from the stage when the order is placed, ready to be printed, printed, and processed, and on route to delivery.
Address Verification: Status is elaborated in terms of verified, corrected, and failed.

Can I obtain references or speak with existing PostGrid clients for reference checks?

Yes, please contact us at [email protected] to receive references or to speak directly with existing PostGrid clients for your reference checks.

Personalized Mailing

What envelopes are used for letters?

We use #10 double window envelopes for standard letters.
If your mailing contains more than 6 pages, we upgrade to flat mailers to accommodate the extra pages.

How many sheets can I have in an envelope?

A maximum of 5 sheets can be in an envelope. Additional sheets will be treated as an overweight package and charged accordingly.

What is the stock quality of letters?

PostGrid uses 60lb stock quality for letters.

What stock quality is used for postcards?

All postcards are printed on 100lb stock quality with full gloss coating.

What envelopes are used for cheques?

We use #10 double window security envelopes for cheques/checks.

What stock quality is used for cheques?

We use 52-70lb stock quality for cheques/checks.

Can I have additional sheets with the cheque?

Yes, we support up to 5 sheets, including the cheque, in an envelope.

Do you support cashier cheques?

No, we currently do not support cashier cheques/checks.

I see letter and postcard templates, but nothing like that for checks. Can I provide more details on the check page as opposed to a seperate letter?

Yes, you can specify HTML in the `message` section/parameter of the check. This can be used to customize the top 2/3rds of the check page much like you would letters:
See the `params` section in the check endpoint and note that HTML can be provided for the `message` section.
You can use our template editor to design the message if you like, and then copy the HTML from the "Raw Data" and place it into the "message" parameter.

How soon can I get started?

Setup can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on requirements.

What is my mailing limit?

The mailing limit depends on the plan purchased. Contact [email protected] to select the right plan for your business.

What is your SLA with the Print and Mail API?

All orders are printed, processed, and handed over to delivery within 2 business days.

What are your daily cut-off times to place orders?

All orders should be placed before 12 am EST for processing the next day.

Do I have a cancellation window?

Yes, you have until 12 am the next day to cancel your orders before they are submitted for printing.

Does PostGrid support return envelopes?

Yes, PostGrid supports return envelopes. Contact [email protected] to learn more.

Do you print custom or branded envelopes?

Yes, PostGrid supports custom and branded envelopes. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.

How do I create and manage contacts?

Refer to under Contacts, or contact [email protected] for a product demo.

How can I edit a contact's information?

Currently, PostGrid does not allow direct editing of existing contact information. However, you can update a contact's details by copying and modifying the contact.

I'm attempting to upload contacts via the dashboard in live mode. When I prepare to import, the CSV file is read correctly. However, when I click upload, the progress bar loads but the contacts do not appear.

Please ensure that your headers for the CSV match that of the sample CSV which can be found in the upload contacts dialog box. Also, the "Country" column expects country code and not the country name.

Why am I receiving a country code error after uploading my file?

It means that the Country column in your data is incorrectly formatted. To resolve this issue, ensure that all country entries use the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 two-letter country codes.
The ISO format for country codes can be found online at

Do you verify all my mailing addresses?

Yes, with the print and mail API, you automatically receive our address verification API for free.

Why does my contact’s address status is set to verified on test mode but not on live mode?

PostGrid doesn’t verify the address for contacts on test mode so by default these are listed as verified.

Do you have template guidelines for each collateral?

Template guidelines for all collaterals can be found here.

Do you support pre-made templates?

Yes, you can upload pre-made PDFs if they meet our design guidelines.

Do you have preview options for the orders created?

Yes, PDF previews are generated for all orders, including those in test mode.They can be accessed through the url property of the returned objects or on the dashboard by clicking View PDF on the top-right of the order details page.
For cheques, the previews will censor the account number by padding the last 4 digits of the account number with zeros.

Can I request for samples?

Yes, email [email protected] to request samples.

Can I use my own font?

Yes, you can upload your fonts in the Template Editor.

I need a custom HTML template, do you offer support?

Yes, please contact [email protected] for custom HTML templates.

Can I customize and personalize my mailing?

Yes, you can easily customize and personalize your mailings using PostGrid's built-in Template Editor. Our intuitive editor allows you to:
Design Templates: Create and modify mailing templates with drag-and-drop functionality.
Personalize Content: Insert dynamic fields to personalize each mailing with recipient-specific information.
Add Images and Branding: Incorporate your logos, images, and brand colors to maintain consistency.
Preview Mailings: See a real-time preview of your customized mailings before sending.

I have been testing merge variables in my API calls, but I cannot seem to get them to work. I have them in the proper format, like {{testVariable}}, in the template I am using. Although I am not getting any error when running the API call, none of the variables are mapping to any of the values.

If you you sending letterParameters via JSON, then you'll want to structure the merge variables as an object:
"from": "CONTACT_ID_HERE",
"mergeVariables": { "french": "YOUR VARIABLE DATA HERE" },
"template": "TEMPLATE_ID",

I have set up an integration to create letters using one of our templates. Although I switched our account to live mode, no letters have been created yet. How I should proceed?

To create live orders, you must be in live mode. Orders created in test mode will not be transferred to live mode. Test mode orders exist so that you can become familiar with the process and integration of creating orders.
Once you are ready to send live orders, you can follow the same process as you did when creating test orders, except you will be in live mode. Test mode contacts and templates will not be available in live mode.
If you wish to use a template you created in test mode in live mode, you can copy it over. To do so, select the desired template from the dashboard template section and click the "Copy to Live Mode" button.
Once you have a template to use in live mode, you can start sending live orders just as you did in test mode.

My order got canceled, How should I find the reason?

Look for the "Cancellation" field in the Raw Data. This field provides the specific reason why the order was canceled.

Why is my order being Canceled due to Overlapping Content in the Address Region, and How can I fix it?

It means that your template contains content in the designated address area reserved for stamping the recipient or sender addresses.
To ensure your letters are processed correctly, you can do any of the following options - Remove Content from the Address Region
Edit your template to eliminate any text or images from the designated address area and follow the design guidelines
- Insert a Blank Page for Addresses
This will print a separate blank page for the addresses, allowing your actual letter content to appear on the following page without any overlap.
You can also use Double-Sided Printing with a Blank Front Page, So the front side will be a blank page containing the addresses, and the back side will display your letter content.

Some of my orders failed to be created because of failed addresses. What can I do?

The most likely cause is an issue with the sender's address. To resolve this, you should:
- Verify and Correct the Sender's Address: Ensure that the sender's address information is accurate and properly formatted.
- Force the Sender's Contact Verified Status: If the address is correct but issues persist, you may need to mark the sender's contact as verified to bypass address validation errors.

All of my orders failed to be created because of failed addresses. What can I do?

The most likely cause is an issue with the sender's address. To resolve this, you should:
- Verify and Correct the Sender's Address: Ensure that the sender's address information is accurate and properly formatted.
- Force the Sender's Contact Verified Status: If the address is correct but issues persist, you may need to mark the sender's contact as verified to bypass address validation errors.


What mailing classes do you support?

By default, all mail is sent as First Class or the quickest non-express postage available in the destination country. You can opt for a lower postage fee by selecting Standard Class from the 'Mailing Class' dropdown menu.
You can also learn more about the available mailing classes here.

How do I determine the best postage type for my mailing needs?

- First Class: 1 to 3 business days. Typically used for transactional mail like invoices or bills.
- Standard Class: 2 to 3 weeks nationally. Best for marketing mail, requiring a minimum of 200 pieces.

- Lettermail: 2 to 4 business days depending on distance.
- Personalized Mail: 3 to 8 business days, with a minimum of 100 items of the same collateral type.

What is express mailing?

Express mailing is a special service to expedite delivery. In most cases, your mail will be delivered within 1-3 business days.

Do you support registered and certified mail?

Yes, we support Registered, Certified Mail and Certified Mail with Return Receipt. You can learn more here.

How can I track my mailings?

Tracking primarily depends on the mailing class you choose and the volume of mailings you send out.
For mailings within the US, you can utilize IMB (Intelligent Mail Barcode) tracking provided by USPS. You can learn more about how to track on the dashboard, or via the API.

What is the difference between "Completed" and "Delivered" statuses in Tracking?

This status indicates that your letter has been processed and handed over to the mail carrier. It is an estimate based on the time elapsed since the order was handled.
A more accurate status that confirms the letter has been delivered to the recipient.
For certified letters, this status relies on the carrierTracking information provided by USPS.
For regular letters with IMB status, "Delivered" is set two days after the "out_for_delivery" scan event.

When can I have the imbStatus for my orders?

IMB status for orders depends entirely on USPS scanning the mailings. USPS scans only a portion of the mail—theoretically about 40%.
We update all the orders with the IMB information within 5-7 days after the printers have handed off the orders to the USPS and we receive the IMB codes from the printer.

- For mailings with an imbStatus attribute, we change the order status to "delivered" two days after we receive the "out_for_delivery" scan event since it is very likely that the order has been delivered after this time.
- For letters without imbStatus, unfortunately, USPS does not provides us with a "delivered" scan event so "out_for_delivery" is the last status we receive from USPS, meaning this status will not change even after your letter has been delivered.
The only exception for this is when USPS provides us with a "returned_to_sender" scan event. In this case, we indicate that the letter has been returned.

When will tracking details be available on certified and registered mail?

Tracking details will be available within 2 business days SLA.

How can I access the tracking number in the letter.updated webhook event?

Tracking numbers are only available in live mode after an order has been assigned one. To access the tracking number:

1. Decode the Webhook Body: Ensure you decode the webhook payload correctly.
2. Retrieve the Tracking Number: Access the tracking number using data.trackingNumber from the decoded JWT.

If you're not seeing the trackingNumber key, verify that the order has been processed in live mode and that the webhook is correctly set up to handle live events.

How can I search by keyword and creation date in the Dashboard?

You can perform an advanced search in the Web Dashboard by using JSON formatting to filter results based on a keyword and creation date
The following example searches for completed orders with the description "test" created on May 28, 2024, and sorts them by the most recent first

"description": "test",
"status": "completed",
"createdAt": {
"$gte": "2024-05-01T00:00:00.00Z",
"$lte": "2024-05-31T23:59:59.00Z"
"sort": {
"createdAt": "desc"

Do you offer built-in Tracking for mailing campaigns?

Yes, we provide built-in tracking for your mailing campaigns using QR Tracking and Personalized URLs (PURLs). These tools allow you to monitor and analyze how recipients interact with your mailings, helping you measure campaign effectiveness.

Why are the QR Code links in my letters expiring, and how can I prevent this?

The Expiry Duration determines how long the URL generated by the tracker remains valid.
You can modify the expiry duration of your tracker to extend how long the QR Code links remain active.
Each new order creates a unique URL that follows the tracker’s expiry settings. That being said, there is no need to create new trackers for each order; simply adjust the expiry settings as needed.


What integration capabilities does the print and mail API have?

PostGrid's Print and Mail API seamlessly integrates with over 1,300 applications through Zapier, allowing you to connect without any coding.
Other key integrations includes ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, Klaviyo,, Stripe, and Braze.
These integrations enable you to automate workflows, synchronize data, and enhance your print and mail operations efficiently.
For a complete list of integrations and more information, visit our Integrations Page.

How do I create and manage webhooks?

You can create webhooks in the Dashboard by going to "Webhook" menu and creating one, Or you can refer to PostGrid API documentation for more information.

Do you provide engineering and integration support?

Yes, contact [email protected] or [email protected] for integration support.

Why are duplicate letters being sent when using Zapier with PostGrid?

If you’re experiencing duplicate letters, it's likely that your Zap is triggering multiple creation requests. To resolve this, review your Zap settings to ensure it’s not sending the same request more than once..


What is the pricing for the platform or Print and Mail API?

Contact [email protected] for pricing information.

Does your SaaS fee include the printing and mailing cost?

No, the SaaS fee covers access to the platform, and the per-piece pricing for the collateral sent is an additional cost.

Is your per-piece pricing all-inclusive?

Yes, all per-piece pricing includes printing, processing, and postage rates. You can find the per-piece pricing here

Do you have an annual contract?

While you qualify for substantial discounts with a yearly subscription, you are not required to sign up for yearly plans.

I need a custom plan, how do I proceed?

Please contact [email protected] for custom plans.

How I can update our payment method for subscriptions and mailings?

When you are set up with your payment methods, you can change both from the payment method using the change buttons at the top of the screen. There are separate actions for changing either payment method.

How can I cancel my standard subscription?

Please contact [email protected].

Do you have non-profit pricing?

Yes, please contact [email protected] for details.