This endpoint allows you to create a box containing up to 100 cheques.
A Box is mailed to a single destination.

To create a box. You must specify:

  • to: The recipient (contact or contact ID)
  • from: The sender (contact or contact ID)
  • cheques: An array of cheques to go in the box

For each cheque You must specify:

  • to: The recipient (contact or contact ID)
  • from: The sender (contact or contact ID)
  • bankAccount: The bank account ID
  • amount: The amount to be sent
  • number: The cheque number
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Body Params

The details of the box to create.


These will be merged with the variables in the template or HTML you create this order with. The keys in this object should match the variable names in the template exactly as they are case-sensitive. Note that these do not apply to PDFs uploaded with the order.


An optional string describing this resource. Will be visible in the API and the dashboard.


See the section on Metadata.


This order will transition from ready to printing on the day after this date. You can use this parameter to schedule orders for a future date.


The mailing class of this order. If not provided, automatically set to first_class.


The recipient of this order. You can either supply the contact information inline here or provide a contact ID. PostGrid will automatically deduplicate contacts regardless of whether you provide the information inline here or call the contact creation endpoint.


The 'from' (sender) of the entire box. Accepts inline ContactCreate or a contactID.

array of objects
length ≤ 100

The cheques to be mailed in the box. Only 100 cheques can be included in a box at a time.


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