
Every order has a status field which will tell you how far along the order is in the delivery pipeline. The status of an order can be one of the values listed below.

readyThe order was created successfully. This order will be printed on the date specified in its sendDate property. By default, sendDate is set to the next day however this can be overwritten and specified for a later date.
printingThe order has been given to a printer and will be processed within our SLA (2 business days).
processed_for_deliveryThe order has been handed off to the local postal service.
completedThe order has most likely been delivered. With this status, it is not guaranteed that the order has been delivered as this is an approximation.
cancelledThe order has been cancelled and it will never be sent out.

Check out our guides for how to view the tracking status of an order on the dashboard and via the API.

Tracking Number

Soon after an order has been processed, a trackingNumber property is added to the order. You can use this tracking number to track your order via USPS tracking. If you do not see this tracking number on your order within several days of your order being processed, please reach out to our support team at

Intelligent-Mail Tracking

Live orders destined for the US will have an imbStatus field added to them once they are processed at a USPS facility. There can sometimes be a delay in this data which can reach as high as 5 calendar days. See below for the possible imbStatus values.

IMB refers Intelligent Mail Barcode which is used to track mailings.

entered_mail_streamThe order has entered a USPS facility.
out_for_deliveryThe order has been processed at its final USPS facility and will be delivered within a day.
returned_to_senderThe order has been returned to the sender.

Check out our guides for how to view the IMB status of an order on the dashboard and via the API.

Note: This feature is only available for live orders destined for the US.

Certified and Registered Mail

For Letters and Cheques, you have the ability to send certified/registered mail including certified mail with return receipts. These options will be applied as an extra service on orders. If an order is certified or registered mail it will be shown in the extraService field on the order. See below for a list of possible extra service values.

certifiedSend the order as certified mail
certified_return_receiptSend the order as certified mail with a return receipt
registeredSend the order as registered mail

Note: This is currently only available for US mailings and additional charges will apply for these mailings.

Check out our guides for how to create and verify if an order is certified/registered mail on the dashboard and via the API.

Using Webhooks to Handle Status Updates

Webhooks can be used to notify your application when events occur in PostGrid. These webhooks for example, can be used to send you a notification when an order has been processed for delivery. Listed below are the possible event types you can listen for on a webhook.

letter.createdTriggered when a letter is created
letter.updatedTriggered when a letter is updated
postcard.createdTriggered when a postcard is created
postcard.updatedTriggered when a postcard is updated
cheque.createdTriggered when a cheque is created
cheque.updatedTriggered when a cheque is updated
self_mailer.createdTriggered when a self mailer is created
self_mailer.updatedTriggered when a self mailer is updated
return_envelope_order.createdTriggered when a return envelope order is created
return_envelope_order.updatedTriggered when a return envelope order is updated

If you wanted to listen for when an order's status has updated, you could listen for the updated events on orders. For example, you could listen for the letter.updated, postcard.updated, and cheque.updated events to receive a notification when any of these collaterals have been updated. If you are only concerned about letters, you would only need listen for the letter.updated event. You can listen to as many or as little events as you need.

Check out our guides for how to set up webhooks to listen for order changes on the dashboard and via the API. For more information on how PostGrid handles webhooks, checkout our webhook guide.