Design Guidelines

There are two main methods for providing printable content to PostGrid: uploading pre-designed PDFs or creating HTML files using the Template Editor. In both cases, the address information will be automatically added to the final mailing.

Letter Guidelines

For letters, the destination and return addresses are stamped on the first page of your mailing by default. Refer to the following table:

CanadaClick here
United KingdomClick here
US & Intl.Click here
AustraliaClick here
CountryPage Size
Canada8.5 x 11 inches
United Kingdom8.3 x 11.7 inches
US & Intl.8.5 x 11 inches
Australia8.25 x 11.75 inches

All content under the indicated region is covered. If you do not want this, you can also insert a blank page just for the address by clicking on the 'Insert Blank Page for Address' checkbox while creating the orders.

For postcards, the guideline varies depending on size and country. Refer to the following tables:

Postcard Guidelines


CountryPage Size
6x4Click here to view the guideline
9x6Click here to view the guideline
11x6Click here to view the guideline

United Kingdom & Europe

CountryPage Size
6x4Click here to view the guideline
9x6Click here to view the guideline
11x6Click here to view the guideline

Note that for the UK postcards, the red zone's width is half the width of the postcard itself.

US & International

CountryPage Size
6x4Click here to view the guideline
9x6Click here to view the guideline
11x6Click here to view the guideline

For cheques, the message HTML can cover 7 inches from the top of the first page to the top of the cheque. There is a 0.3in margin applied to this message as it is required for optimal printing.

Bifold Guidelines

For self mailers, the guideline varies depending on the size/type of self mailer you're sending:

US & International

8.5x11_bifoldClick here to view the guideline

Letter Size

By default, the letter size will be selected based on the destination country. However, you can override this by selecting a specific letter size from the 'Page Size' dropdown, such as US Letter, US Legal (8.5x14) or A4.

CountryAllowed Options
USUS Letter, US Legal (8.5x14)
Rest of the worldUS Letter

Cheque Size

By default, the cheque size will be chosen based on the destination country. You can override this to get a specific cheque size by supplying a size parameter with one of the other size options US Letter or US Legal.

CountryAllowed Options
USUS Letter, US Legal (8.5x14)
Rest of the worldUS Letter

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