Creating and using return envelopes

You can include return envelopes with your letter orders. Please note, you must pre-order these return envelopes before creating your orders, and the minimum order value for return envelopes is 5000.

On this page, you will find a list of all your previously created return envelope orders. If you are looking for something specific, you can use the search bar at the top of the page to find return envelopes sent to specific contacts, at a specific stage, and more. To create a new return envelope, click on 'Create Return Envelope' at the top right.

Once you are on the create order page, start by adding a description and choosing a recipient address from the drop-down menu. Next, click on 'Create' to create the order. Once the order is created, you will be taken back to the list of all your previously created return envelope orders.

Next, click on the order that you created. You will see that zero return envelopes are available to be added to your letter order. To add quantity, click on 'Create an Order'. A pop-up will appear. The 'Description' field is optional. Enter the number of envelopes you want to order in the 'Quantity' field, then click 'Place Order'.

After placing the order, you'll see the quantity under 'Quantity Ordered'. When the return envelope is printed and prepared, the quantity ready for use will be reflected under 'Order Filled'.

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